Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Gene Marshall Dolls

My favorite era of fashion is from the 1940s. The tailored suits, dresses, hats and gloves made the women look elegant and the men dashing. So when I came across Gene Marshall dolls, I instantly became a big fan. The details in these dolls are quite impressive. Every doll is unique and beautiful in its own way. You can almost imagine these dolls coming to life in an old Hollywood film, as they are a masterpiece of art themselves. 
So where did Gene Marshall dolls come from? Well, an artist by the name of Mel Odom created these lavish dolls. He is an American artist who has illustrated several covers for novels. He was born in Richmond, Virginia but grew up in North Carolina. He majored in fashion illustration at Virginia Commonwealth University and continued his education through Leeds Polytechnic Institute of Art and Design in England. Later he moved to New York City to continue his career as a illustrator for many famous magazines such as Playboy, Viva, and Blueboy. However, I believe his best work came in 1995 when Gene Marshall dolls made their debut. 

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